1. Be Proactive
We often allow our external circumstances to dictate our behavior. Instead, if we take the responsibility for our own decisions and behavior and stop blaming the world for our problems it’ll have a great impact on us. If we want to be more effective, our focus should be on the things that we can actually do something about as this falls under our ‘Circle of Influence’.
2. Begin with the End in Mind
Back in the airforce, as young pilots; we were instructed to prepare and practice a 40 minutes tactical mission for 3/4 hours. In addition, our instructors often said, “You won’t fly the Plane today, instead you’ll fly the Plan, a silly mistake in the air might cost even your life”. There’s no point in getting lots of tasks done in a short amount of time if the end outcome isn't what you really want.
3. Put First Things First
This habit is all about prioritization. We need to figure out the things that are most important and always put them first. Covey categorizes tasks into four categories. First, we should focus on tasks that will have long-term positive impacts and will help us towards our larger goals. The more we focus on these, the fewer tasks which most people mistakenly believe to be the most important.
4. Think “win-win”
When going into a situation with others, many people seek a “win-lose” outcome - every interaction they have whether at work or in their personal lives is seen as a competition. Effective people on the other hand see the benefit in giving everyone a fair share of the pie and fostering positive long-term relationships.
5. Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply,” says Covey. He explains that a lot of the time we don’t really listen to people, but instead project our own situation onto them and assume that what they’re thinking and feeling is the same. We then prescribe solutions to them that don’t really work. We need to emphatically listen to others and get inside their frame of reference to understand them intellectually and emotionally.
6. Synergise
Synergy basically means that if you put two things together, the outcome is greater than the combined total of the two separate components. When people collaborate to tackle a challenge, using everyone’s separate strengths, it’s always better than fighting each other and trying to go it alone.
7. Sharpen the Saw if you want to Keep Sawing
It is all about self-improvement. Your tools may be adequate for the job, but if you never stop to sharpen them, they will become less and less effective. Covey’s key message here is that you need to take care of yourself to stay fit. Give yourself time for reflection and to recharge instead of working flat-out all of the time.