
Leading University


website: www.lus.ac.bd


location: Sylhet,  Sylhet

University type: private

About This University

Leading University (Bengaliলিডিং ইউনিভার্সিটি) or LU is a private university of Bangladesh. It was established in 2001 under the Private University Act 1992.The campus of LU is located in Ragib Nagar, Kamal Bazar, South SurmaSylhet.


Subject Name Credit Estimated
Regular Fee
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering 160 466,400
Bachelor of Business Administration 140 448,200
B.A. in English 140 354,400
Law 141 391,450
B.Sc. in Architecture 194 641,880
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering 164 530,460
B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 160 458,400
Islamic Studies 140 130,400
Tourism and Hospitality Management 140 396,400
Bangla 122 204,880
Master of Business Administration 60 131,500
Executive Master of Business Administration 51 117,100
Master of Arts in English 84 153,200
Masters in Law 41 92,600
Islamic Studies 60 53,500
Master of Public Health 60 163,500