Line Manager- The term you get to know once you step into the professional mode. This may not be always applicable for the Startups, but applicable in most other cases.
Entering a job after University is a big shift. A big shift in your approach towards life, approach towards family and friends and specially you find a new- YOU. Once you start crossing the career path, you get to define yourself in a better, composed way.
In your journey, the person who can shape you up, is your line manager. He/She is someone who would drive you for the professional success and help making an invisible personal relation to improve your output.
In my journey so far, I have come across a few line managers, who are responsible for my growth, achievements and failures as well. You can never expect to get a good line manager always, but it is better to have a line manager than having none in the initial days of your career while you are playing the role of “Manage self”
Now tell me, did you always have the line manager you always wanted to have? I did not. Sometimes you get a good line manager, sometimes you get a bad line manager. But, end of the day, my realization is that, you get to learn a new thing from everyone. You know- even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day!
Having a good line manager makes you more accountable, innovative, involved; on the other hand, having a bad line manager can make you more calculative, more demanding, individualistic. Both the traits provide you some perspective for development. And you need both the things. You can never be a good boss to everyone all the time. Sometimes, you need to be cruel to be kind. And for that, you need to have some experience with both the good line managers and the others.
When I started working, I was told that, Line manager is your new guardian who would look after you. And, when I met my line manager, I was asked how my family was doing. This simple question from my line manager actually changed my perception. After university, you don’t normally expect that, someone who is not your relative or close would be asking you about your family. But, this simple question from my line manager made that impression that family is important and I might be out there away from the family but there is also someone who is interested to know about me and my family.
Family is always a very sensitive thing specially for Bangladeshis. Once someone shows interest about family; He/She gets a special corner (this is my personal belief). When my line manager asked me about my family and I replied about it; since then, I always have tried to know about the family of my team members. I have seen it really works. Because, I was really happy and satisfied when being asked about my family; so, I believe putting someone in my place would have got the same feelings in most of the cases. One of the reasons is that giving your team the sense of feeling that, you as a line manager is friendly and caring, you can move mountains with your team if you can sync well.
We all know who is a good line manager. But who is not? In my opinion, someone who is unable to guide you towards the right direction of working or motivate you enough to go extra miles is not a good line manager. I don’t see any industry where there is less pressure or challenges. From your point of view, you would say that you are facing most of the challenges. If even you change your job, you would still say the same. Challenges are always there, but you need someone who can steer you in these situations. And that is where your line manager comes into play.
Some of the qualities of a good line manager that I have seen are-
§ They are open to suggestions and create a more friendly approach
§ They are concerned about your development which might come in a hard way, but their concern is for your development. Period
§ They give you the freedom to explore new avenues and let you speak your mind if that is against his own belief even
§ They will not tell you, but show you or guide you to accomplish any task
§ They will trust you and you will feel that.
§ They will never threat you, but will give you warning if you are not following the right direction
§ They will give you the due credit you deserve and will stand for you when the time comes
§ You don’t need to say, but they will always be trying to give you the benefit and spend a good amount of time behind your development
§ They will share their both their joys and failure, will appreciate you on your achievement and will share your failure
What do you think? Your thoughts on this will be appreciated. Remember, If your line manager is not helping you to develop, and giving you only freedom and benefits; and you are happy with it, you are actually wasting your time and potential. Either he is not capable to handle you, or you are in the wrong place. I gave the example of family in the beginning; because, I strongly believe a good line manager will care not only about you, he/she would be caring to your family as well. Whom I consider as good line managers, have portrayed this trait in my career.The ultimate good line managers create the environment for you, where you feel safe and flourish. period.
Now, let me share my views on the not so good line managers. In my eyes-
· They are rigid, not open to suggestions
· They will tell you/ instruct you to complete a task, but will not be showing you the path ( I guess even they don’t know ho to complete the task)
· They will not trust you, will try to validate your statement/ actions from others
· They will make you do so many things, but will take the credits if you succeed and give you the blame if you fail
· They will try to give you some unimaginable deadlines and expect you to complete the task. You can do that, but, even you would know, no quality output will be there
· They will not be good in calculation, they will focus more on their instincts, where they should focus on the data and the ever-changing dynamic business landscape
· They would think everything with cost. To them, you are just a cost center. They would want the best from you, but in return, they would always think to give you as less as possible
o They would always try to consider you as his//her competitor. Bad line managers always have the inferiority complex, which make your life miserable
· Their approach is always demanding. As a line manager, you should be demanding. But not always!
· They would always try to impose their thoughts on you, and expect you to be aligned with his/her thought, no matter what garbage they say/plan.
What do you think of this? Can you relate this in your case at any point of time?
The best part of having a bad line manager is that, you don’t have to use your brain or involve to a greater extent in any of the work. But I want to use my brain and get my hands dirty. The worst part in my eyes of having a bad line manager is that you stop learning and you stop challenging the status quo. These are two vital points for any business or individual to progress.
You can never decide who your line manager is going to be, but you can always decide whether you are learning from him or not. In my case, I have seen, under a good line manager, you give extra effort and you also take the ownership of anything assigned to you. And under bad line managers, you are concerned more about delivering the work (irrespective of the quality of the work) and you also become more individualistic, taking yourself in a shell, where you don’t want a team performance, and drive blame game whenever possible. Because, your line manager is also doing the same. In this type of situation, focus on yourself. As you know, you will not be developed from the organization, try to invest yourself in learning from all other places.
But, you know, as a true business professional, you need to see both sides of the coin. I consider myself fortunate enough to see it. The world is not a rosy place, and you should know it. The earlier you know, the better for you. Whether you will become a good boss or not, depends on what types of line managers you have come across and how you have learned from them. It is always a choice that you make- Whether you want to learn or not. Be it a good memory from a good boss, or a learning from a bad line manager.
But, from my side, What I have always tried to portray is showing the respect to my line managers. Because, end of the day, your career, increment, development depends on that person. If he is good and you are learning, respect comes automatically. But, if he is bad and you have stopped learning, please generate some respect for the position which he is holding and generate some artificial respect for the person (as long as you are there in the organization). If you can’t take it further, start exploring new opportunities.
just like you can’t choose your parents, you can’t choose your line mangers and remember your boss is your boss (be it someone who expands your brain cell or kills your brain cell)
·These are my thoughts only. I am not saying I am right or wrong. Please ignore if you don’t like it and share your thoughts if you like the writeup for more to come!